Hello! If you’ve found your way to this page, then for some strange reason you’ve decided that you want to know about me.
I started this Blog so that I’d have a place to put some of my coding and maker related stuff where hopefully it would be able to be found and help somebody else. I also am reserving the right to also post personal thoughts, recipes, or whatever else strikes my fancy.
My background
I’m an Electrical Engineer who lives in South Central Nebraska and currently works as the Manager of Engineering and Technology for Dawson Public Power District. This is my website and I’ll probably say or post things that aren’t the opinion of Dawson Power. If you want to know what Dawson Power thinks about something, go to their site. If you want to know what I personally think about something, stay here. You know how it works by now.
I have a Family, but probably won’t mention them here other than in passing. Friend me on Facebook or something if you want to hear about that. I was born and raised in the Central Nebraska area where I grew up on a farm/ranch and hope to live here for a long time to come. I went to Engineering College at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I worked for Nebraska Public Power District for about 10 years where I got my Professional Engineering License. I expect to stay in the Utility world for quite some time.
Aside from my Family, I love Engineering, Computers, Woodworking, Video Games, Dancing, Red Meat and Beer. We can probably have an in-depth conversation or fight on any of those topics.
If you want to know more about me, I am on social media, but I’ve been told that I “use them wrong” so you’re taking a chance looking at my stuff there.